How Long Does It Take to Move House?
Moving to a new house can be both exciting and frustrating. The process may involve buying a new home, selling the old one, looking for mortgage approval, buying the right property, and moving your possessions.
Moreover, the average time for buying a new one is approximately 12 weeks to six months. This depends on your household preferences and the housing market.
Once you know what to expect, the moving process will not be as taxing. This article covers all the details about how long it takes to move house and what you should do if unforeseen obstacles occur.
How Long Does It Take to Move House?
The process of relocating can span from a single day to as long as 10 weeks. The actual moving day will likely require 4 to 8 hours, depending on the size of your property, the travel distance involved, and the number of removalists. A complete relocation typically extends over 6 to 10 weeks, segmented into various phases: preparation, packing, the move itself, and settling in.
However, the actual move day is usually the shortest process. It takes time to pack up all of your belongings and load them into your new home, which means you’ll spend more time dealing with other issues than physically packing or unpacking boxes.
Hence, you will spend more time planning and preparing for what comes next. This includes getting everything situated in your new place so that everything feels right again, making sure there are no leaks or other problems before settling in, and learning how everything works (or doesn’t).
If you can save money by doing some initial packing yourself, such as putting away dishes or clothes before they get wrinkled, you can shorten this process significantly.
What Are the Phases of Moving House?
There are seven phases to moving house.
- Planning
- Finding a home
- Making an offer on the home of your dreams
- Buying and selling home
- Packing supplies
- Utilities and other services
- Kitchen Appliances
1. Planning (1-2 months)
The first task while moving a house is planning. In this phase, you create a plan that includes everything from where you’ll be moving to how long it will take to get there and decide your upcoming move. You can also consider whether or not your family has pets and what kind of furniture they need before making any decisions about the move itself.
Start by thinking of the aesthetics and floor plan you want. You’ll probably want different things than the previous owners. The important thing is to have a place that reflects your personality and is homey for you and your family.
After deciding on a general plan, think about the logistics of moving: where are you going? How far is it from your current residence? What kind of transportation options are available at each stop along the way?
Once you’ve made these decisions about logistics, begin searching for homes online or in person that fit into your budget, schedule and meet any other criteria. This could be size requirements (number of bedrooms), location preferences (neighbourhoods), amenities desired (pools/spas), etc.
2. Finding a Home (12 weeks – 6 months)
Once you have found a home and want to move in, the next step is finding an agent. It can be done through word of mouth or by asking friends and family members who have moved recently. An agent will help you negotiate various issues that come with owning a home:
- Finding out about homes for sale in your area
- Negotiating prices on houses that fit your budget and preferences
- Arranging to finance for homes that fit your budget (if needed)
- Mortgage approval with the help of a real estate agent
- If you need a rented property, complete a property survey before moving.
All your research will pay off when everything is in place before purchase day (or offer day).
3. Making an Offer (8 weeks)
Making an offer is the next step in the process. An offer indicates a willingness to purchase a property, and it’s often made at the same time as a mortgage application. You can’t make an offer on someone else’s property unless the owner has agreed to sell it (which will probably be in writing).
Once you’ve made your initial inquiries regarding properties for sale or rent, you should contact estate agents specialising in selling houses for their services and ask them if they can help find suitable properties for sale or rent near where you live.
The buyers will submit their offers through an agent who works directly with real estate agents around town. Buyers have until 48 hours before the settlement date (when all contracts must be signed) before having another opportunity to make another deal happen.
However, suppose there are no competing offers. In that case, both parties are forced into writing new deals, which could mean higher costs than originally anticipated due to changing conditions throughout construction progressions etc.
4. Buying and Selling a Home (8-12 weeks)
Each step in the buying and selling process has its phases and costs. One thing that determines costs is whether you are buying the house or just renting. This also applies to the location you vacate; are you selling or renting?
If you’re moving into your new place, there’s the initial purchase price of your home. You’ll also have to pay for all the closing costs associated with purchasing this property, including mortgage broker fees and loan origination fees.
If you’re selling your old house before moving into a new one, remember that any money still owed on your old mortgage needs to be paid off before any other expenses are taken out of cash reserves or personal savings accounts. So, look into if your property is covered by insurance policies like homeowner’s insurance (more on these later).
Moreover, you will get a few valuations within a few days for your home. Therefore, sell the house after negotiations with potential buyers.
5. Packing and Moving Process (2 weeks)
Moving house is a stressful job in itself, and if you’re not careful, it can also be very costly. So before you even start packing up your belongings, make sure that everything has been inventoried and labelled correctly so there are no surprises when it comes time to move.
It will help ensure that everything goes smoothly without any major problems or delays during the loading process. You may enlist the help of friends or family members who have moved before. They might have some tips on how they managed things themselves.
Moreover, look for the conveyancing process, as it will help you load your luggage and move house. You can hire a moving truck to shift all your luggage at once.
Furthermore, this process heavily depends on the number of items you own. For some people, packing and moving can take only a few days.
6. Utilities and Other Services (1 – 3 days)
You’ll need to start a new utility account and get an internet connection if you haven’t done so already. You can also change your address with the DMV and any other driver’s licence information (including vehicle registration).
7. Kitchen Appliances and Furniture Assembly (1 – 6 days)
When assembling kitchen appliances and furniture, you can either have professional movers help or do it yourself. If you’re going to be moving with children and pets, then make sure that they don’t get into anything they shouldn’t be playing with while under the care of your movers.
If you choose to assemble things yourself, please ensure all parts are there (including screws). Make sure that each piece is well-secured in its place so as not to cause any damage during transit or when assembled.
When it comes to big items like refrigerators and microwaves, take extra precautions so nothing gets knocked over by accident. No one wants their new fridge falling on top of their head. Moreover, pack delicate and fragile items carefully.
Shifting the Luggage
The moving process happens in several phases, each with its timeline. However, you can plan your entire move weeks in advance and avoid those inevitable last-minute scrambles.
It takes about a week to shift the home appliances, whereas selecting the home and moving can take about 12 weeks to six months.
Before any work begins, you’ll need to hire professional movers to help you move all your earthly possessions and load them onto truck beds. Once this step is complete (and if you have hired someone), allow room for delays, disappointments and mishaps: like contractors showing up late or not showing up at all, deliveries taking longer than expected, and so on.
1. What should I do before my move?
Before you start packing, make sure that your home is in good condition. It means checking for termites and pests, fixing leaks, and making necessary repairs. It’s also a good idea to have an emergency kit ready so that you’ll be prepared with the items needed to fix something that goes wrong during the move (like an unexpected plumbing issue).
2. How long does it take for me to pack up my house?
It depends on how much stuff you’ve stored in storage containers or boxes throughout your home and whether or not those spaces are climate-controlled units. Ideally, expect anywhere between two weeks to six months before moving day.
Try not to use heavy furniture items such as beds or couches; instead, try using smaller pieces like chairs and tables, allowing easier access through narrow hallways once packed into trucks outside their former homes.
3. What factors should I consider while moving to a new home?
Once you’ve decided that a move is in your future, it’s time to start looking for the perfect home. Many factors go into choosing the right place, including location, price range, and property size.
Research potential neighbourhoods before making any decisions. It will give you an idea of what’s available, where and how much room there is for moving around in each area. You’ll also be able to see if there are any particular features or amenities at each location (such as schools).
Moving to a new home is a big decision, and it can be hard to know what to expect when it’s time for your move. The average time of the entire process takes up to three to four weeks, whereas if you include the buying process, it will take you 12 weeks to 6 months.
However, you should pack all your belongings beforehand to avoid any inconvenience while moving the essential items. You can find professional teams to pack your luggage and shift through a moving truck to your new home.
They can cover the time-consuming task of moving and save you time for your other activities. We hope this article has guided you to move your home correctly.